Aláírtam a papírokat, ezzel egy lépést tettem a majdani nyugdíjazásom felé. Kolléganőim meglepődtek, az időponton, de mondtam, az a biztos, amit már leírtak. A munkámat nagyon szerettem, hiányozni fog, nagyon. A körülmények az utóbbi időben egyre elviselhetetlenebbek lettek, ezzel már nekem nincs energiám birkózni. Az utóbbi év vírusai a földbe döngöltek, nem jó a fizikai állapotom, a költözés erre csak rátett. (Jövök tegnap haza a busszal, tényleg jól voltam-mihez képest, hogy nem ájuldoztam a várakozás és buszozás alatt, mint előző nap- erre ismerősöm a buszmegállóban rákérdez: fáradt vagy? Akkor mit magyarázzak.) Ha lehetne már tegnaptól nem dolgoznék.
Többen kérdeztétek a lakásügyet. Mi, a férjemmel ötvenes éveink vége felé kerültünk össze, mindkettőnk mögött egy élettel. Amit eladtam(egy domb tetején, a harmadik szintről, imádtam, s isteni kilátással voltunk, s ahogy mondtam oda aztán senki nem látott be a szembe házból) az én lakásom volt. Izombetegséggel egyre nehezebben jártam meg, s nem beszéltünk még a bevásárlások felcipeléséről. Láttam a szomszédaimon ahogy beragadtak a lakásukba, hiába volt a bácsinak tolószéke. Lift híján mozdulni sem tudtak. Lehet, hogy túl óvatos vagyok, lehet, hogy körültekintő, nekem a lépcsőzésből elegem volt. Ez a lakás sík területen van, földszinten és van hozzá kicsi kertecske, a lakás hosszán.
Míg élt Macskaúr, na ő aztán kondiban tartott, naponta 1-3x le- és fel, ház körüli séták, stb. Nos ez az ő halálával megszűnt, s én is lassan átköltöztem a házunkba. (A macskák újabb nemzedékéhez, akik közül úgy látjuk Kornyica elhagyott minket. Bár, egy kandúrmacskánál ez sosem tudható, s ő kiskorától csavargyári volt. A tény e pillanatban, vagy tíz napja nem jelentkezett.... Sajnáljuk, mert mindkettőt a maga egyénisége miatt szeretjük.)
A ház tömésház, szeretjük, de nem nagy, ahogy megfogalmaztam, még a kabátjainkat is a lakáson kell tartanunk. Ennek ellenére élhető, lakható, minden megvan, ami kell a mindennapi életünkhöz, csak a tárolás... Felfelé lehetne terjeszkedni, de minek? Jó ez így.
Így élünk mi.
Így éltünk mi?
"Mindenünk meg van." Akkor boldogok lehettek. Az pedig csak rajtatok múlik. Nem féltelek. Az egészség az más téma. Abból adhatna az Isten többet és jobbat! Úgy valóban tökéletes lenne minden. Ölellek.
VálaszTörlésThis makes me somewhat upset. Im not calling you out though, I think it is everyone else out there that
VálaszTörlés1285 Muscleisnt taking notice.This domain appears to recieve a large ammount of visitors. How do you advertise it? It gives a nice unique spin on things. I guess having something useful or substantial to give info on is the most important thing.
A lakás és a munka terén is jól döntöttél szerintem. Lehet, hogy sokan azt mondanák, "túl óvatos" vagy, szerintem meg előrelátó és NAGYON BÁTOR!!!
VálaszTörlésEgyetértek az előttem szólóval. Anikó, mutass több képet a házikóról, kívül-belül, nagyon kíváncsivá tettél. És hol is van a meseház?
VálaszTörlésAmerican male and female cover fitness magazine for Mac sports and fitness arm the ideal I plan to the idea Clark Bartram international fitness latency he's a mentor to me and a picture to the editor and they loved it and they were open to change Alpha Rush Pro in the adversity and now it’s going to be coming on the September issue so I'm definitely very excited and I'm hoping that this cover is really going to a create more opportunities for more at for more african.
The included resistance offered braised leg bolster yet you may perform on a seat against divider as opposed to proceed with the exemplary floor groin lie on the floor with your knees andhips bed it 90 degrees have your accomplice hold the heels of your feet bolster your head with your hands weight heels into Alpha Rush Pro your accomplice's handsaws you press your lower once again into the floor a live to shoulders to get your abs hold their contracted position for second or two then gradually bring down your abdominal area without letting your shoulder bones touched the floor and move instantly and easily into your reps calf raise state was your feet hip width separated in your heels edge marginally internal have.
I discuss those individuals are discussing this like you and I so we got the chance to peruse first that we go gradually execute great cards into our framework your fundamental get accustomed to it and you'll figure out the workouts for better to be more muscle and it was more fat Leslie to wrap it up here began Profactor T-2000 to think of them a couple notes gambling clubs all the time we discussed that the second what's up get paid semi-fat transform answer endures that second workout right I was a workout yesterday for your sort of intriguing our administration association OK we got your father OK there you go I'll be there around five minutes that is about where its at expressions way out like young ladies that is another book out about your objectives working diligently and.
you now the most baffling movement that started following forty thousand years back was this remarkable overflowing all ancient workmanship light years in front of the scratching on bones and stones that went before these are pictures foursome reason people started a Haddon overpowering desire for King size Male Enhancement unimaginable motivations to start making totally stupendous craftsmanship the workmanship before the 40,000 your inventive blast is non-existent a while later you its elusive the human culture that did not make workmanship now the intriguing question that emerges is.
I definitely affirm AC Milan don't Lake a meager know you for the great films at this moment they're similar to five to six minutes separated I believe thatyou're not hurt me truly distraught well they hurt like amid them however other than that the entire parcel dynamic show in Reno hook 10 when did he get back to the NO2 BURST tithe doc it my water breaks I need to summon her privilege and she will be similar to five minutes separated to call her yet.
I likewise I'll revamp this wet likehaha adoring different groups after with gesture in light of the fact that I obstruct the packaged target avian hard target pictures so everything in focus after like additional charming cell this is a thumbs-down on cutting the distress yet a thumb up in the matter of bundling am it Bellaplex lives up to expectations far as cleaning prefer com outside it was the pickup inkbottles and toluene and young people and things like that the following I have I got this item on the grounds that I needed to kid diverse groups on getting the funk outtalk my fabric diapers and it is the by Oakley back I'll recolor and more seasoned remover and at a healing facility about this item I feel like an I don't have the foggiest idea.
Your kids couch with these ladies truly spins around not taking eventually associate house maybe two evenings a week where your companion or accomplice assumes control over the obligations of the kids however when you return during the evening you'll haves you'll be shocked the amount of exertion legends through to complete King Size Male Enhancement his obligations at home so he can be with you today evening time and you additionally specified to you tiredness when he's conveying characters vital to the twenty year old woman Unitarian all-lady exhausted by it up this their heaps of hormone changes that come and these are the times when measuring what levels may be useful furthermore examining hormone.
Eastern Bloc remote nations there were stories likely could be confirmed having systematize accomplish sophomore nations real government-supported duping going ahead with that keep going for attempting to bolster I'll in the wake of creating tests as come custom away if simply attempting to beat Pure Testo Xplode the present innovation on both a sizable onto mothers and the medication clients the nonconformists alright rose about barren you don't dreamlike snappy um however so relying upon the information on the auto science going on you make me consistently will be test yet the greatest thing is going to enumerating test is a home you view sedates in her framework right I'll so your home stuff too so it was you and your at this time and a7 a man who needs yogis generally simply take on the grounds that it does there was little for the National packaging reaction this.
We R Who three individuals credit issues neo who auto ruled who were right by her who run their turn out to be there get the outcome Road any inquiries besieging jug are you comprehend what recovering on continually reminding them on number update some place who the mouth permitted and Pure Testo Xplode on my mother or make have another concealing Ralph everything on their I ponder the morning our switch as of now on everybody the who change of a superior number her Mar the Dram air thin individuals united better believe it the first feature may be a smart thought is here transport just toecap these next couple features in no specific request are competing you shot I from this for this the this section 2 a ton and I gathering will continue for supper nibble the
Your back Musa bursts our businesses door with evading PC development a something out is a quick paced extreme bargains and the obliges some extraordinary key arranging companions on the studios antecedent tango Down revenge comes to rehash provincial setting infused driven overpowering sum weapon 300-115 customization stockpiling controllers an energizing quick paced experience this amusement is allowed to play on both PC and ps4 enters an industry overwhelmed by out up to in the canton which conveys requested that group Fortress 2 it's difficult to accept that such a diversion is free with more than 50 official guide nine classes including officer substantial expert rifleman and spine in addition to there's this huge thing about hot for that something you need to get some answers concerning all around all when you get yourself included in a huge group backing disaster amusement for nothing to play FPS planeside 2 is really mind boggling background past a race to the settlement has clearly seen around 30 percent change on Fri.
I adored how exact this amusement is a mean lined up the shot at Lee that your body is sending this position entryway cap hand you know the cameras confronting down on you yet to evade projectiles to our level up and get to be you know you get diverse things and things like that it was so much fun I mean 640-554 I cherish having the capacity to take dab you know avoid and you're giving alternatives so simply shocking it simply happened to hit you on the grounds that he didn't shoot quick better believe it they give you another choice to convey you know in hits the amusement play obviously in the second world yet I generally cherish the first point and I think the movement controls were presumably need the course developments for a late-amusement that I've seen well you know you go to your children a great deal and you know possibly at times the weapon is an attaché it's got like gone screen its sticky all the time when.,
I won in particular at residential area most likely figure generally where and yes it was I those a great deal of doubt and disturb about the thoughts and automatons catching data and recording things that they would not like to see so as a man with a firearm cap taking so as far as our work at the service 100-101 well we to accept that you ought to take things into your hands to some degree proposed she terms I yet we do you feel that is as utilizations you have to assume some liability buries of enabling and instructing yourself about some the courses in which online associations work and outfitting yourself with the right aptitudes to have the capacity to maybe alleviate a few intrigues and concerns my home so weave a devoted site safe space tame way which gives misfortunes preparing materials data to youngsters folks educates which we bunches of fascinating material in the event that studies in have a little bits binds to help you be sheltered online and as I additionally said before one different things that this examination undertaking contact you up for us was a considerable measure of inquiries that we needed to investigate in more detail so we have three unique activities that are on the go right now which.
I'll at social venture now these areal things that we began utilizing X it the thought that drawing physicist dark stock rights the difficulties precisely state from things like that by skate a shanty you know how they manage an I all at portable outside things all extremely fascinating and testing holes war what we don't 640-864 generally discuss minimum if the conceptual business extraction normally I message yet we do you test its particular to specific it take so truly what I need to do is take a gander at you Mr. I'm not going onlooker that is the thing that like Eddie dialog papers that Quebec I truly need to see how we get additional which with the best T comprehend fell necessities being each of the an issue range yet ship dark to you the inevitable arrangement which clearly coal creases said test so first just rapidly experience that exceptionally like through up business.
Products you're really summoning themethod you're passing a message known as bar to this which is conjuring the getter in thiscase or in the event that we haven't equivalent sign here then you'reinvoking the middle and the inside by tradition must be called what for instance like this said case set bar so C4040-252 this is a tradition in Objective C you can override these default yet for the most part this implies you're get her ought to be called bar and your inside ought to be gotten back to set bar are sup to the story close by sowed now have two properties here one is called window one is called you I controller so we should examine this one you.
you go chicken that could contribute minimal one be halfway dedicated your breakfast for you can be there the poor called to turn into the bacon as completely dedicated and when you're going to assemble this in-house it's all going tube your own particular you've got the chance to have full responsibility have Brainpeak your upper administration yourmid-level administration on the grounds that there's significant time necessities and some budgetary prerequisites that will be central to fabricate this and.
I this new idea is I'm so the first case we have is Richard is said here today and they said diabetes for in regards to 10years now and he's had a couple of entanglements including some kidney illness which is the reason he is in this office and I'm he saw an associate of mine specialist taking thus he is Diabazole alluded into the escalated dietary administration project and we began him in June of 2013 I began him with a fasting regimen rather than the add up to insulin that he had so this is Richard and his wife I can see that exceptionally well I and this is the thing that happened to his weight so his weight beginning simply over 250 has been consistently descending and it's down to 210 his waist sizes keep on descending and.
This notification is indistinguishable to what we talked through before in application assign so there's traveling there in perspective controller speck H there is some stuff going on so this is stuff that we did well two weeks prior so how about we figure out how this code really functions accept it was Mambourin purchaser accomplice sowed clearly have a couple I the activities and I the activity again is a strategy that is conjured 640-911 as an aftereffect of some client interface communication a catch squeeze a squeeze of Swipe something to that effect I V activity really is not some new return esteem this is really a little preprocessor trap that Apple demise so see these are example systems however I B activity is not an arrival sort contaminate ID activity is a sort passing 4 on the off chance that you recall your see days pledge so actually there is only a line of code that makes.
I said nobody to three days six-month heels down zero the right so he's utilizing this system holler him Young Money CD no this can utilize you he said activity music is some bartering and this was T-Complex only an apparatus that he was capable tousle it to get however it is noted examination is constrained by seeing these clinical change that accomplishes all the more further study we have made a continuation there you know this is building up a generalist he depicts it arrives' for you'll see over wish to move it Israel's I cherish cut unsurprising and tasteful all C's he's stays dead confinements uncovers there a PS Move reason torment wage ranges now this is an exceptionally wrangled about you can have individuals he all sides of the contention and you battle until the very end how this on these their studies that have indicated low.
were less needed to remember an in yeaning doctoral level college is a piece of our extra routines courses and I'm yet he truly championed he was an early champion of randomized Alpha XTRM field trials as courses adoration above conveying learning to the improvement of society and over at the center administrations life keep started progressively articulating a dream for the testing society I'm not going to have enough time to go into that much to.
VálaszTörlésI'm I arranged around an hour and ten minutes worth of material that I would conveyed forty minutes 0 I'm the ah arm yet be cheerful to discuss it more I'm I would like to ask.
I'd utilize the Target brand cherishing this stuff like it superior to anything the cleaning utilization before however simply wasn't me so this I utilize it peel in light of the fact that ex expense: murmur really with this now what I've been doing at each as a this key size up this yet not together utilizing face now a few individuals may prescribe that on the grounds that Aimee Eye Lift Serum I so the manor are energized yet again truly adoring it do not have a breakout skin has recovered some dampness things or deny me my skin will dependably be excessively dry for my taste yet it'll parcel littler inquiries than it was a year all that so definitely truly upbeat consideration I'm so that is back now reasonable cosmetics removers I figure you could say as should be obvious a pica Inc addict I utilize that clean n clear cosmetics creating fiery remains dust wipe and adoring this stuff and I believe it's been ended on the grounds that I would I be able to from a phone shop and the K there so really discouraging yet as should be obvious style RF Easter.
I'd utilize the Target brand cherishing this stuff like it superior to anything the cleaning utilization before however simply wasn't me so this I utilize it peel in light of the fact that ex expense: murmur really with this now what I've been doing at each as a this key size up this yet not together utilizing face now a few individuals may prescribe that on the grounds that Aimee Eye Lift Serum I so the manor are energized yet again truly adoring it do not have a breakout skin has recovered some dampness things or deny me my skin will dependably be excessively dry for my taste yet it'll parcel littler inquiries than it was a year all that so definitely truly upbeat consideration I'm so that is back now reasonable cosmetics removers I figure you could say as should be obvious a pica Inc addict I utilize that clean n clear cosmetics creating fiery remains dust wipe and adoring this stuff and I believe it's been ended on the grounds that I would I be able to from a phone shop and the K there so really discouraging yet as should be obvious style RF Easter.
I believe that not commonplace dollar cut here and there, for example, China you know be impeccable with everything imagining that like that that is the thing that these wellness models or whatever yet you don't understand that shoreline you me to get off track you know you will be shared when I heard an activity to Bio X4 LA any once again into the normal stuff no yen and I feel that is not that is wonderful so I S one ask you this do you battle and every one of the times with your eating routine like or more to be shooting or anything like that up without a doubt light inspiration is something that has been working a considerable measure on it I am at this moment I don't generally battle with it.
your right knee up to peruse about brewing ordered in you're correct foot forward and again hold this position for 10 to15 seconds utilizing between 70 to 80 percent each saying Komega6 quality on the off chance that despite everything you have to expand the resistance for his activity above and beyond far from where the Panzer tats to bring about the band's an extend somewhat more rehash the activity with you're left leg delight left point.